Thursday, February 7, 2008


My world! sexy chocolate will be hanging in Bright lights
every one would look to me as their queen. the white house would be my hang out but it will be pink.
people will follow my rules (not cause I say so BUT cause they would'nt have it any other way )

  • Rule 1- have as much fun as possible
  • Rule 2- shop all u want ( money will be called sexy currance ;(it will read )with sexy chocolate we party .)

my birthday will be a national holiday and I would chage cloths every 2 hours.


The Fashion Queen said...

I like the idea of you beening a queen because thats what i view myself as.

The Mastermind said...

Sounds like fun, you have a great imagination.

ladyb said...

In your dreams this would really be one of your dream days. If this does happen have fun.